Urgent 24-7 Locksmith Richmond Hill

Urgent 24-7 Locksmith Richmond Hill is always ready to come to your help, no matter if you need to buy a new door, repair or replace an older door or you need advice. Call and our Urgent 24-7 Locksmith Richmond Hill will send a team to you right the moment you call. Our Urgent 24-7 Locksmith Richmond Hill are all local and mobile, coming to you as fast as 15 to 20 minutes.

Urgent 24-7 Locksmith Richmond Hill

Urgent 24-7 Locksmith Richmond Hill

Doors are necessary for access and often for ventilation and illumination too. However, if they are in poor condition (or just very old); they can contribute to more than 40% of a building’s air leak related energy losses. Modern exterior doors often fit and insulate better than old ones; and their associated heat losses (or gains) come from opening and closing the door.

Damaged weather stripping can increase energy loss around the door, by many times. Call us to fix it for you.

Check your weather-stripping every year and replace it as needed. After replacing the weather-stripping, check the door seal again. If the door still does not seal tightly to all sides of the jamb you either installed the weather stripping badly; or the door is bent and in need of replacement. Consider an insulated metal or fiber glass door when replacing exterior doors. They are a better investment than wooden doors since they are much more durable; have lower maintenance needs and seal and insulate better.

These doors also have the added advantage of offering more of a deterrent to intruders. A common insulated door type has a steel skin with a polyurethane foam core; they usually have a magnetic strip (similar to a refrigerator door magnetic seal) for weather-stripping. If installed correctly and, if the door is not bent, this type of door needs no further weather-stripping. A thick door without a window offers better than five times the insulating value; of a solid wood door of the same size.

At any moment, you can enjoy the knowledge, expertise and fast service door of our Urgent 24-7 Locksmith Richmond Hill mobile team. We are always ready to come to your help, no matter if you need to buy a new door, repair or replace an older door or you need advice. Call us 24/7!