Night 24 Hour Locksmith Kitchener Team

Night 24 Hour Locksmith Kitchener Team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year long, on good weather or bad weather, whenever you call for our services. Call Night 24 Hour Locksmith Kitchener Team with any and all your lock problems. Wea re on call 24/7 so call for Night 24 Hour Locksmith Kitchener Team to help you today!

Night 24 Hour Locksmith Kitchener Team

Night 24 Hour Locksmith Kitchener Team

There are three types of lock grades: Grade 1, 2, and 3. The grade system does not necessarily determine higher or lower security. The grade system is established by a manufacturing test. Depending on how many times a lock can be latched and unlatched before failing; will determine the lock grade. That being said, grade 3 will not be as good as grade 1. The higher the grade, the lower quality the lock will be.

When in need of any kind of lock and key help, call us.

We are fast and efficient, and 24/7 on call, for your convenience! Our service is available to any business wanting to upgrade and improve their property’s safety.  We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year long. Sunshine, snow or rain, whenever you call  services. Our team will arrive to help you in minutes.

They key you are currently using is compatible with the hardware of your locking system. To upgrade the system, the combination of pins inside the hardware needs to be changed. As a result, the key that once worked with that system will no longer be of use. This provides security to your business when – for example – you fire an employee and need to change your locks.

Night 24 Hour Locksmith Kitchener Team service will save you money because it costs less to upgrade a lock, than it does to replace it. However, upgrading is not always an option. There are times we come across locks that are too old or falling apart; and while it may cost less to re-key the lock; it would be more beneficial to simply replace it. In most cases though, we recommend the more cost-effective option of re-keying (upgrading) the locks.