Team Locksmith Caledonia

Team Locksmith Caledonia will help you at any time with any door problem, be it a garage door, an over head door, or even a gate. Of course, our Team Locksmith Caledonia takes care of regular exterior and interior doors too. Call for our Team Locksmith Caledonia at any time and all times with a door problem!

Team Locksmith Caledonia

Team Locksmith Caledonia

A garage door is not a toy. While many children find it fun to run beneath the door while in motion; this is very unsafe and children can easily become trapped under the door. Let your family know that they must keep a clear distance from the garage door while it is in motion.

Check your garage door for the safety “electric eyes” or sensors. If your garage door is older; or if it has not been properly maintained or installed; you may not have functional safety sensors on your garage door. These are located near the bottom, left and right sides; of the garage door and should be approximately 4-6 inches from the garage floor. The safety sensors should be properly connected and aligned.

Call our professionals for garage door maintenance, tune-ups, and spring replacing service.

Keep garage door opener remotes and transmitters out of children’s reach. Make sure that no one is near, or touching the garage door; while it is in motion and never on your door down when not in site; without additional safety features or precautions. Aside from the size and weight of the garage door crushing a person; there are also many hinges and folds in a garage door; of which hands and fingers are often the subject of injuries.

Garage doors,  if they are not properly maintain, they can turn into a safety hazard.  Our service is on call 24/7, mobile, local and ready to arrive in 20 minutes to help you. We have a team of locksmiths at your service; that will make sure to check all the mechanical and electrical components; and repair, replace all faulty parts. Call Team Locksmith Caledonia all 24/7 for help! We work all the time, no exception, so call us right now!