24-7 Locksmith Kitchener Unit

24-7 Locksmith Kitchener Unit can help you fix a sliding door, like a patio door, a storm door and even a pet door. Call for our fastĀ 24-7 Locksmith Kitchener Unit to help you today!

24-7 Locksmith Kitchener Unit

24-7 Locksmith Kitchener Unit

When you want to deal with a door repair or replacing yourself; the first thing you will need to do is remove the door. It is best to check that you have enough room to do this without adjusting the rollers, if this is a sliding door. Just lift up on the door a little bit and see how much room you will have.

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So long as you have the room, go ahead and lift the door out; by pushing up on the door and pulling the bottom of the door out. If you do not have enough room you can adjust the rollers by locating the screws; on the track near the rollers. Just screw them counter-clock wise until you have the room needed.

Now that the door is off the track, you can see what style roller you have. Depending on the roller type there may be a few ways to remove them. Usually you will find a mounting screw located near the spring mechanism. If the screw is not there, check just above the screws used to adjust the rollers. Some doors will have a slotted area where the screw is sitting. Some doors actually use just one screw for both adjusting and mounting. If this is the case you just need to remove the screw entirely.

Once you remove the mounting screws you can just pull the old rollers out using a pair of pliers. Some of them may just pop out with a screw driver. Go to your local hardware store to find the same rollers to replace them with. This is the easiest method so you do not have to make several trips later in case you have the wrong rollers.

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You will install the new rollers just as you removed the old ones. Remember you may need to adjust the roller height again. Do not add any lubricant to the rollers. This is not necessary and will just attract dirt.

Check the Track – Ensure it is still even. If you need to fix or hammer out part of the track (if it is metal) you may as well do that while the door is off.

If you need to adjust the roller height to allow enough room for this, just use the same method as earlier when you removed your door. Slide the door a few times to make sure it is working properly. If the door is still trembling, skipping, or sticking then it is more than likely the track itself that needs to be replaced.

24-7 Locksmith Kitchener Unit is always at your service.